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This online converter will (try to) read most MusicXML files and create an approximate representation of the score in NoteWorthy Composer v2.5 text format, or read a NWC text file and create a MusicXML file with it. Yes, it works both ways!
To begin the conversion process, use the button below. Current version information is MusicXML2NWC v2.3.9.
Since February 6, 2013, over 58000 input files were successfully converted.
Tip #1: To save time and get a more coherent result when converting scanned music (xml => nwctxt), try to merge all pages of the musical piece in a single MusicXML file instead of submitting pages one by one. SharpEye, Photoscore and most other music scanning software have options to merge pages.
Tip #2: Sometimes, MXL files are incorrectly named .xml. The current version of the converter will not be able to detect it and will fail on invalid XML. If it fails, maybe you should try renaming it to .mxl and try again.
Tip #3: Binary NWC files cannot be converted here. Please use Noteworthy Composer v2.5 and up to save the file as "NWC Text file" (.nwctxt).
Tip #4: Long pieces with several parts, for instance the director's score of the 5th symphony, may fail to convert because of memory limitation. If possible, split the part in pieces and try again.
You can convert up to 10 files per hour per IP address without delay. When you reach the limit, an increasing artificial processing delay is added to protect the servers. Please contact us if you have a large collection to convert. Reasonable fees may apply.