Release notes

latest enhancements


Version 3.8.3d

  • Fixed: Messages containing javascript comment characters in subject or email address can prevent LookOut from completing the mailbox display.

Version 3.8.3c

  • Fixed: List filter field is borrowing styles which don't belong to it

Version 3.8.3b

  • Fixed: Wrong display of simple email addresses when ShowFullAddressInMessageHeaders is enabled.

Version 3.8.3a

  • Fixed: "(recurrent)" does not show on recurrent events
  • Fixed: Minor js issue

Version 3.8.3

  • New code to detect if the Referer will be available upon clicking the link. CGP redirects are now removed when the Referer will not be available
  • Fixed: Links in messages may display a CGP error in Firefox on linux

Version 3.8.2d

  • Fixed: Links with anchors displays a CGP error when opened in Safari 5

Version 3.8.2c

  • Fixed: 2 typos

Version 3.8.2b

  • Fixed: UI may fail to load when ShowMessageListFilter = NO

Version 3.8.2a

  • Fixed: Links in messages displays a CGP error when opened in Safari 5

Version 3.8.2

  • New: user setting to show the full email addresses in expanded message headers

Version 3.8.1a

  • Fixed: Mouse events don't always reach the event manager when moving the separators over the message area

Version 3.8.1

  • Fixed: Chosing a replacement word for a spellcheck error on the subject field can insert extra words when using IE6, 7 or 8.
  • Fixed: Restoring compose data doesn't work on the older browsers of the supported set
  • Fixed: Messages appear as HTML tags most of the time in Safari, and occasionnaly in Chrome
  • Fixed: Various minor display issues in IE8, IE9, Chrome and Safari
  • Various performance enhancements in IE8, IE9, Chrome and Safari
  • Fixed (again): Deep subfolders may fail to expand after the first background list refresh
  • Fixed: Composing in text-only mode in IE9 removes all newline characters.

Version 3.8a

  • Fixed: v3.8 may breaks custom buttons
  • Fixed (v3.8): HTML toolbar doesn't work anymore in Firefox 3.0
  • Officially not supporting Firefox 2 anymore.

Version 3.8

  • New: When the Main window is closed or navigated away, all satellite windows are closed (FF3, IE8, C10, S5, O11).
  • New: Using localStorage to save the compose data and restore it when a new session is opened (FF3, IE8, C10, S5, O11).
  • Removed the "Please close your session" message when navigating away. The session is automatically closed (FF3, IE8, C10, S5, O11).
  • Fixed (hopefully): HTML toolbar randomly fails to initialize properly on Firefox 4
  • Fixed (hopefully): Message area randomly contains CSS code instead of being empty when LookOut starts on Firefox 4
  • Fixed: IE9 context menu appears on top of the LookOut context menu as IE proprietary method to cancel events doesn't work anymore on standards-compliant pages
  • Fixed: Changed data from the last focused field on the Compose page may not be used if the Send button is clicked without setting the focus to another field

Version 3.7.8

  • Fixed: Prev/Next/Next Unread buttons on message pane are not enabled/disabled correctly
  • The temp filename used internally for CSV import operation is now always the same, to avoid filling the web directory with temp files when the operation fails
  • Fixed: Deep subfolders may fail to expand after the first background list refresh

Version 3.7.7c

  • Fixed: Play Sound on New Mail = "NO" doesn't stick.

Version 3.7.7b

  • Fixed (v3.7.7): Most drop-downs just don't work at all

Version 3.7.7a

  • Fixed (v3.7.7): An incorrect packaging prevents LookOut from loading on a few configurations

Version 3.7.7

  • New: Context menu with "paste message" option can appear on empty folders
  • Fixed: Editing an event with a nonstandard duration results in "undefined" appearing in the duration field
  • Fixed: A confirmation pop-up appears when Approving a list message from the message pane, but not from the mailbox pane
  • New: List-approve Messages with a status other than "read" or "unread" don't display the Approval info-box.
  • Fixed: LookOut can't handle "Other" values for some list settings as stock CGP skins and Webadmin do.
  • New: Generated drop-downs scrolls to the previously selected value
  • New: Calendar Daily View time slice can be changed in

Version 3.7.6b

  • Fixed: List settings dialog does not confirm when settings are saved
  • Fixed: List settings dialog does not display which list is being modified.

Version 3.7.6a

  • Fixed: ACL dialog incompatibility with CGP 5.0.x
  • Fixed: Various problems with event edition

Version 3.7.6

  • New: The rendering of the folder list is now a lot quicker for accounts with a very deep folder tree, as the DOM tree for subfolders is now built on demand only. This unfortunately does not affect the rendering time of accounts with a lot of top-level folders.
  • Fixed: Inbox can be selected as Trash or Junk box.
  • Fixed: Timespan values (Duration field) are too much rounded and don't accept decimals on input.
  • Fixed: Previously selected Weekday not checked when editing a recurring event

Version 3.7.5a

  • Fixed: LookOut doesn't understand email address for which the display name is only one character (For instance: "A" <>)
  • Added activity indicator (animated gif) to send message dialog and loading screen

Version 3.7.5

  • New: Setting to change the order of name parts in "automatic" display name for new contacts
  • Reimplemented the RPOP page to adapt to the new CGP RPOP webmail API introduced in 5.3 as the old API became broken around 5.3.6

Version 3.7.4e

  • Fixed: Apostrophe is not accepted as a valid character for the account part of email addresses

Version 3.7.4d

  • Fixed: Month name is printed over table when printing calendar in monthly view
  • Fixed: Mailbox list fails to render in very rare cases (workaround for an hard-to-repro CGP issue)

Version 3.7.4c

  • Fixed: Context menu won't appear on text selection in message preview using Internet Explorer

Version 3.7.4b

  • Fixed: Print calendar produces scambled output
  • Disabled Print message and Print calendar features when using Opera as they can't be made to work again for now
  • Fixed: (v3.5) Select shortcut in message pane (Ctrl-A) is broken in Firefox and selects too much in IE. (v3.1.1b) Now the selection will only contain one set of headers.

Version 3.7.4a

  • Fixed: (v3.5) The comment is not sent with event invitation replies
  • Fixed: (v3.5) The "PercentComplete" drop-down is not created properly in task display, and its value cannot be modified
  • Fixed: (v3.7.4) The default newmail sound is always used, regardless of the setting
  • Fixed: Folder sizes are properly rounded, a localizable way
  • Removed unused setting from the Calendar tab

Version 3.7.4

  • Updated the newmail sound with a higher-resolution one in mp3 format.
  • Now using a flash-based sound player for browsers supporting it, falling back to standard plugins if a mp3 plugin is available
  • Fixed: Deleting the last subfolder does not refresh the folder list

Version 3.7.3c

  • Fixed: Report as spam fails when either MoveTo or CopyTo are disabled.

Version 3.7.3b

  • Fixed: (v3.7.1) Unread count and indicator doesn't disappear when last unread message is read
  • Fixed: Autocomplete drop-down height is incorrect in IE, causing scrolling and highlight issues

Version 3.7.3a

  • Fixed: Some Opera versions above 10.5 are not detected correctly by LookOut, as Opera user-agent string contains two version numbers

Version 3.7.3

  • New: The folderlist now rebuilds itself only when absolutely needed (when a folder is added/removed), making LookOut a lot quicker on accounts with a large number of folders
  • Modified the API for external inline windows
  • New script for better integration with PolluStop user config, point your custom button to "pollustop.wcgp", inline integration with close button is automatic.
  • Fixed: LookOut does not load at all on IE if WMP has been removed by group policies
  • Removed support for Opera prior to v10.5
  • Fixed: Transient IE javascript error on contextmenu event
  • Fixed: The Layout selector appears on the "incompatible browser" page even if ShowLayoutSelector is set to NO.
  • Fixed: Compose page From field shows "undefined" when the "From Address" setting is empty
  • Fixed: Changing the time format from the LookOut Settings page does not always give the expected result

Version 3.7.2a

  • Fixed (3.7.2) Impossible to send messages when S/MIME is disabled
  • Updated German translation
  • Fixed: Trailing dot in new time format

Version 3.7.2

  • New possible date format (DD.MM.YYYY)
  • New: Allowing arbitrary timespans in "Duration" and "Alarm" fields of Event editor, with free-text input
  • New: More consistent behavior for the Delete buttons. The mailbox view Delete button now behaves like the message view one (open next...) when one message is selected and open.
  • Fixed: "After deleting a message" setting does not always display the actual setting
  • Fixed: Missing translations

Version 3.7.1b

  • Fixed: Opening an missing or unauthorized folder fails silently instead of producing an error message
  • Fixed: Create Link does not work correctly or consistently on all supported browsers
  • Fixed: Spam report does not copy/move messages to external folders (referenced by ~user/mailbox)
  • Fixed: A few untranslated strings in message view
  • Fixed: Missing "Alert" checkbox and drop-down on compose page when using CGP 5.3; Added alert text in strings.
  • Fixed: "Work Hours" in calendar settings don't use the selected time format
  • Fixed: Received (date) column width sometimes is not wide enough

Version 3.7.1a

  • Fixed: Clicking on folder view scrollbar deselects messages
  • Removed Ctrl-click for context menu (v3.6.7a) as it interferes with message selection, and Opera now supports normal right-click (10.5 and up)
  • Fixed: Identity field can become very narrow

Version 3.7.1

  • Fixed: File storage is not used for settings if the LookOutSettings directory attribute is not present
  • Optimized the contacts autocomplete algorithm to avoid fetching the server for nothing
  • New: Integrated the CGP 5.3 calendar alert settings

Version 3.7.0b

  • Fixed: Reversed logic for one setting
  • Fixed: Default value does not appear correctly for one setting
  • Fixed: One setting appears twice in

Version 3.7.0a

  • Fixed: Minor cosmetic issues
  • Fixed: The preference file loader fails to read some of the values
  • Removed date conversion code used to convert dates generated by CGP before 5.0 and cleaned date management code.

Version 3.7.0

  • New: Cleaned-up and consistent Spam management settings.
  • Updated the documentation of the various configuration variables, see CONFIG.html
  • Reordered the settings a more logical way
  • New: Settings stored in website private area. "LookOut Settings" Directory attribute used only if website is not available.
  • Fixed: Group: impossible to add an address for which the display name contains a comma.
  • Fixed: OpenNextMessageAfterDelete does not work when delete method is set to Mark and there's no unread message
  • Fixed: Folder and Message list scrollbars up/down buttons do nothing in Firefox - related to
  • Fixed: Opening calendar sometimes takes two clicks on IE8

Version 3.6.10

  • Fixed: Cosmetic issues
  • RulesShowVacations, RulesShowAdvancedRules, RulesShowRedirect now actually do something.
  • Fixed: New timezone issue with GMT+0100 w/o DST.

Version 3.6.9a

  • Fixed: Two October 17 in Brasil. Looks like a javascript engine bug regarding timezones where the DST change is not at 2 AM.

Version 3.6.9

  • Reimplemented the message row positioning to fix row highlight offset problems when browser zoom is activated

Version 3.6.8

  • Modified the "show all hours" feature of the calendar for it to be more intuitive
  • Fixed the "show all hours" feature for half-hour and for incorrect work hour ranges

Version 3.6.7b

  • Fixed: Population problem in the "Create New Group" address book pane

Version 3.6.7a

  • Attempt to fix a timing issue in Opera causing the HTML toolbar not to load
  • Fixed: "Replied addresses" dataset isn't automatically emptied when vacation message is modified
  • Ctrl-click can be used to access right-click context menus in all browsers (Opera does not support proper right-click handling)

Version 3.6.7

  • Fixed: "New mail" sound won't play on recent versions of Chrome and Safari
  • Fixed: Firefox, on a system where no sound plugin is installed, may ask for Quicktime to be installed when LookOut is started
  • Setting PlaySoundOnNewMail="NO" disables new mail sound, unless user re-enables it in per-user LookOut settings

Version 3.6.6d

  • Fixed: Context menu won't appear on text selection in Firefox

Version 3.6.6c

  • Minor cosmetic fixes in list management pages

Version 3.6.6b

  • Fixed: (v3.6.6) The ui parameters are incorrectly saved in cookies when per-user settings are not enabled.

Version 3.6.6a

  • Fixed: New problem in the IMAP-UTF7 decoder affecting LookOut when installed on CGP 5.0 and 5.1

Version 3.6.6

  • Visual enhancements in calendar. Equal width for monthly view columns
  • New: Event tooltips when hovering on the calendar

Version 3.6.5

  • Fixed the "Forwarded message" view in compose page (headers box, included attachments, etc)
  • Fixed: Remaining space display may use different units for remaining space and total space.
  • Fixed: Import/Export contacts window is not tall enough on some browsers
  • New: ShowUserFromOnTitleBar setting, to display the "UserFrom" setting instead of the FullAccountName on the title bar.

Version 3.6.4b

  • Fixed: Some custom colors breaks the message opening sequence in IE
  • A few minor code optimizations

Version 3.6.4a

  • Fixed: Minor bug affecting only the demo server
  • Fixed: Event race condition forcing the user to click twice on the Save button of the Folder subscription page in IE

Version 3.6.4

  • New: Import/Export contacts as CSV file (requires CGP 5.2)
  • Fixed: Minor display issues
  • Update for compatibility with AspellProxy 1.0

Version 3.6.3

  • Fixed: Minor display issues in calendar view
  • Increased the line-height of the textarea fields
  • Fixed: The Font-size control of the HTML toolbar is broken under Safari 3
  • Removed Cut/Copy/Paste controls from the HTML toolbar as they are disabled most of the time due to browser security features
  • New: The HTML toolbar has been reorganized in a single row, and controls that were not available under Safari 1 and 2 are now available under Safari 3

Version 3.6.2

  • Message default font reverted to Verdana/Courier instead of using the browser's settings
  • Added a skin-wide setting to set the default message display fonts
  • Fixed: browser context menu appears on top of the advanced spell checking context menu

Version 3.6.1

  • Simplified the Compose page layout - larger header fields
  • Fixed: Addresses for which the Display name contains a comma may be mangled in fields of the Compose page
  • New: Attachment list is displayed on message printouts
  • Fixed a few IE display artefacts

Version 3.6a

  • Minor display fix
  • Fixed: Folders selected in rule actions are url-encoded

Version 3.6

  • Fixed: the Subscription page cannot be saved when Call Control features are enabled
  • New: Inline images are also displayed in the attachment list
  • Fixed: New contact - the Display field is not updated when clicking the Save button without leaving one of the Name fields first
  • New: The message list checkbox behavior is now more intuitive. Ticking a checkbox when no message's checkbox is ticked now ticks only that checkbox, even if another message was previously highlighted
  • New: Context menu is enabled in compose area to allow context-menu cut, copy & paste.
  • Fixed: ACL window may not be high enough to show its close buttons

Version 3.5.2b

  • Fixed: Problem disabling most parts of the interface

Version 3.5.2a

  • Fixed: ESC key in message pop-up windows does not work once the iframe has the focus
  • Fixed: Redirect links are still broken in Safari

Version 3.5.2

  • New: 250ms delay on message open to avoid opening a message in the preview window when it's going to be opened in a separate window
  • New: When creating a subfolder, the parent tree expands automatically
  • Fixed: Phone numbers in contact view are clickable even if PBX is disabled for the account
  • Fixed: ESC key does not close the message pop-up windows
  • Fixed (v3.5): After changing the column definition in general settings, the field appears blank
  • Fixed: When using large font, text is a bit cut off in fields of the compose page
  • Fixed: "Current" address book can be one of the hidden address books (per settings), leading to empty or misbehaving autocomplete in address fields
  • Fixed: Contact "Address" data appears in "Home Address" tab
  • Fixed: Clicking in the message view does not dismiss various pop-ups
  • Fixed (v3.5): Printing multi-pages document prints only the first
  • Fixed scrolling issues
  • Fixed minor display issues with the drag&drop overlay

Version 3.5.1

  • Restored compatibility with CGP 5.0 - a different package is required
  • Fixed: Attachment links are still broken in Safari

Version 3.5c

  • Fixed: Attachment links in messages does not work in Safari and Opera
  • Fixed: Some debug code remaining in hello.wssp
  • Fixed: Printing leads to a blank page

Version 3.5b

  • Minor fixes for Opera 9.5
  • Fixed: Message opened in new window appears blank in IE, without toolbar in Firefox.

Version 3.5a

  • Fixed: "Junk" flag breaks the mailbox rendering

Version 3.5

  • Dropped compatibility with the 4.x branch. LookOut now requires CGP 5.0+.
  • New: Message View is now an iframe to separate webmail and message stylesheet realms
  • New: White-space formatting is preserved in text-only messages
  • Fixed: Up/Down, PageUp/PageDown keys does not work in Safari 3
  • Fixed: Default mailbox selectors are broken again
  • Fixed: A default draft mailbox' real whose name contains non-ascii characters is not displayed correctly on the compose page.
  • Fixed: In the folder list view, LookOut does not consider system folders whose name contains non-ascii characters
  • New: Special access control list in Settings/Folders
  • Minor fixes for Firefox 3
  • New: MailboxNames translation may be deprecated by CommuniGate in the future and can now be easily disabled in the skin. When disabled, mailboxes will be displayed with their real name, regardless of the selected language, to avoid confusion in rules and such.
  • New: "Use UTF-8 For" setting is forced NOT to use the "Nothing" value to avoid display problems
  • New: The spacebar key makes the folder and the message views scroll down.
  • New: Message's isJunk flag turns its listing to red in the folder view

Version 3.4.4

  • Fixed: SessionDirectory links breaks the dialog in IE6/7
  • Fixed: Minor display issues
  • Fixed: Display field is not auto-filled by Suffix field in New Contact dialog
  • Fixed: The colored box in calendar daily view is misleading, letting think all events lasts only only one hour or less. Replaced by colored link.
  • New "Visible to Mobile Devices" setting for folders (CGP 5.2+)

Version 3.4.3a

  • Fixed: The ShowPostalLabelField logic is reversed.
  • Fixed: Display overlap on the New Event page.
  • Fixed: In daily and weekly view, the displayed end time is in fact the start time
  • Fixed: After selecting "Default" in the folder selector dialog, the setting may revert to an empty value
  • Fixed: The Centray Directory dialog allows no more than 750 results at once

Version 3.4.3

  • Reintroduced the ShowMessageListFilter and ShowMessageListSearch settings in ShowMessageListFilter is disabled by default
  • Fixed: The FolderState array is sometimes saved in user settings while taking way more storage space it should
  • Fixed: Changing identity on the compose page is broken
  • New setting (HideMailboxTypeSelector) to hide the mailbox type selecto on the Create New Folder dialog
  • New setting (HideFreeBusySettings, HideTasksViewSettings, HideCalendarTasksDefaultFoldersSettings) to hide various parts of the Calendar settings page
  • New setting (ShowContactPrefixDropDown, ShowContactSuffixDropDown, ShowPostalLabelField) to change the appearance of the Create New Contact dialog
  • Modifications to the layout of the Create New Contact page tabs for readability
  • The "Calendar View" settings are hidden when ShowCalendarTableLayoutViews is set to NO as they are not relevant to the new Daily/Weekly/Monthly views
  • New: The "To" field is named "Invite" in the Create Event page, and is collapsed by default
  • New: The End Time is displayed on calendar events in Daily and Weekly view.
  • New: Text is shown on the "Mark Read" and "Set Flag" buttons of the message list
  • Improved a bit the layout of the ACL list page
  • Fixed: A rule can be created with an empty name
  • When a single address book is available, the To/Cc/Bcc labels are links showing the contacts list, and the button becomes a toggle button

Version 3.4.2

  • Fixed: (v3.4.1) The folders doesn't refresh by themselves
  • New setting for hidden refresh interval
  • Tested on CGP 5.4.2 - Enable_CGP_521_Bugs_Workaround is now permanently enabled and removed from since this appears not to be a bug but a design choice

Version 3.4.1a

  • Modified the stylesheet to be less intrusive on displayed messages
  • Fixed: Opening Calendar or Tasks and going back to Inbox gives a blank screen in Safari
  • In text-only mode, the body field compose page follow the "Auto Wrap" value of the Compose Settings.
  • On the Compose Settings page, the signature edition field is larger and follows the same behavior as the body field of the Compose page

Version 3.4.1

  • A separation is now visible between "system" and "non-system" folders on the folder list
  • Junk Mail folder now has an icon
  • Filter / Search in message fields has been redesigned and merged in one field
  • Fixed: In IE, pressing backspace while in the Search fields does not erase characters
  • Fixed: Create / Rename folder gives unexpected results on versions of CGP before 5.2
  • Fixed: RulesShowRules does nothing
  • New: The compose page, in text-only mode, behaves and appears more like a text-only editor
  • Fixed: Multiple spaces in text signatures are omitted
  • Fixed a few Safari display problems

Version 3.4a

  • Fixed: Moving up and down in the folder list with keyboard may open the selected folder with the wrong system type
  • The calendar color selector is now available too when there's only one calendar in the account
  • Fixed: Serious calendar layout problems in monthly view using IE6/7
  • Calendar border color is now customizable in
  • The ESC key will close settings, compose, rename, create folder, ACL, and import/export pages.

Version 3.4

  • New: LookOut main colors are easier to configure - color definition in
  • Better scrollbars management in Calendar view
  • Enhanced calendar display, stronger colors
  • New: LookOut remembers the preview pane state and height for calendar and task display
  • New CGP 5.2 call control settings (Ringback tone, Hold mode music)
  • New: Calendar colors can be customized
  • New: "Merge all calendars" checkbox, whose state is saved in cookies or user settings
  • New CGP 5.2 Junk Mail control settings
  • LookOut's Advanced Vacation message is disabled on CGP 5.2 to use the updated builtin vacation message with End Date control
  • Fixed settings pages to accomodate the breaking changes in CGP 5.2. The changes are backward-compatible with earlier versions of CGP
  • Fixed several display and operation problems with folders whose name contains non-ascii characters
  • Fixed: Rules wizard - The "Remove Selected" and "Replace Selected" buttons are unavailable in the Condition step when going back from the Action step.

Version 3.3.1

  • New: Multiple calendars can be displayed on the same grid (requires CGP 5.1+)
  • Fixed: "Automatically expand folder tree" setting is not remembered between sessions
  • Fixed: "Sent" column randomly expands to take the display width after a while
  • Fixed: On CGP 5.2.0, messages can't be moved in mailboxes which name contains non-ascii characters
  • Note: NO version of LookOut will be able to run properly on CGP v5.2.0. Please upgrade to CGP v5.2.1 and up ASAP.
  • Fixed: Contact books which name contains non-ascii characters can't be accessed on the Compose page.

Version 3.3a

  • Fixed: Column resize issues in Safari
  • Fixed: Mailbox view becomes distorted after resizing the browser window several times
  • Better language detection to avoid situations where the session language is not the same everywhere in the interface

Version 3.3

  • New: From/To, Subject columns can now be resized
  • New: Custom buttons can show a pop-up menu with custom links
  • New setting to hide "Delete all attachments" and "Store attachments in Web Folder"
  • New: Attachments from sub-messages (forwarded messages with attachments, for instance) are displayed under the headers of that sub-message.
  • New: CustomLogo can come from the current user's personal website
  • Fixed: Attachments in subfolders can't be opened by a left click using IE6 (a similar bug caused by apache proxies is still present on all browsers)
  • Fixed: When a message with attachments is forwarded, it's not possible to see the it in the "forwarded message" tab of the compose page

Version 3.2.4c

  • Fixed (v3.2.4): Some addresses are disappearing when leaving the To field of the compose page

Version 3.2.4b

  • Fixed (v3.2.4a): Unable to create or rename folders
  • Modified the "Folder is empty" message for non-message folders (notes, contacts)

Version 3.2.4a

  • Fixed: Calendar/Tasks View displays the Search field and other irrelevant navigation controls
  • Fixed (v3.2.4): Address display problem in header field of message view
  • Better validation of data obtained through AJAX methods.

Version 3.2.4

  • Fixed: Bug in calendar with CGP 5.2c
  • Fixed: In the To/CC fields of the compose page, quote characters are not always added to the display name part of addresses when this part contains "invalid" characters
  • Fixed: Some browsers does not support Unicode characters in regular expressions, causing problem with email address parsing and validation
  • Fixed: With large address books, the Autocomplete feature on the Compose page may miss some entries
  • Fixed: The "ForceReset" alert message string can't be modified / translated

Version 3.2.3c

  • Renamed "ResetPassword" to "ForceReset" because ResetPassword is shown as a password field in CGP webadmin
  • New: "ForceReset" is now reset only when the user clicks the Save button on the Change Password page.
  • New: The Change Password page will not accept the new password being the same as the current one.
  • New setting "DisableRecoverAddress" to hide the "alternate e-mail address" in the Change Password page

Version 3.2.3b

  • Fixed: Contact entries whose Display Name contains a comma does not parse correctly when added in groups

Version 3.2.3a

  • Fixed: Unable to modify Call Control rules

Version 3.2.3

  • New: Possible to ask user to change password on first login
  • New: Attachments can be removed from messages without deleting the message (v5.0+)
  • Fixed: Alerts may cause internal loop

Version 3.2.2

  • New: User and skin-wide option to set default calendar view
  • Fixed: Moving folders with drag & drop does not move subfolders
  • Fixed: A filtered folder list does not accept drag & dropped messages properly
  • Removed irrelevant items from context menu in the folder view of a Contacts, Tasks, Calendar or Notes folder
  • Fixed: Edit As New opens Notes as message drafts. Now Edit As New uses the current folder type to select the edit mode.
  • Restored the Edit Source button in the HTML editor for the signature
  • Fixed an old bug: Pressing the back button on the just opened Compose page empties the HTML editor if it is enabled
  • Fixed: The From field on the compose page sometimes displays "undefined"
  • Fixed: The End Date when editing an event is sometimes set to 1970-01-01 and enabled

Version 3.2.1

  • Fixed (v3.1.5): Some tooltips display HTML tags in message view
  • New: The "Take Address" button displays a drop-down menu from which to choose the target address book of the operation (CGP 5.1+)
  • Rewrote most of the Create New Group address book code, fixing several problems - the fix in v3.2a was not enough.
  • New: The "Print" command in the message view prints directly, without opening a new window as previously
  • New: It is now possible to print the current calendar view

Version 3.2a

  • Fixed: Import/Export Calendar Data window title is incorrect
  • Fixed: Creating subfolder of folders whose name contains non-ASCII characters results in a folder with a corrupted name
  • Fixed: Subscription list does not always save the entered value
  • Fixed (v3.2): Unable to create a new line in the Subscription list
  • Fixed: Filtered address book does not insert the correct value when creating a group
  • Fixed: Calendar monthly view font looks different from other views
  • Fixed: Intermittent display problems in the Subscription page

Version 3.2

  • New feature: Cut/Copy/Paste messages from a folder to another, using standard keyboard shortcuts or the context menu
  • New: Esc key closes most inline dialogs (settings, website, rules, create folder, etc)
  • Fixed: When using the advanced spell checker on IE, the body text can get displayed in the subject spell checking zone.
  • Fixed: When the unicode/utf-8 charset is not selected for display, creating a folder with a non-ascii character may result in a -bad- folder name
  • Fixed: New lines and spaces are being added to the end of the signature when composing a message or editing the signature

Version 3.1.6b

  • Fixed: After scrolling down a long message, the next long message is being opened already scrolled down
  • Fixed (v1.0): Forwarding a message from a mailbox whose name begins with a 'N' results in the original message not being included.

Version 3.1.6a

  • Fixed: When SpamReport/MoveTo is enabled, out-of-order ajax response can cause LookOut to fail displaying the message list

Version 3.1.6

  • Completion of translations: Dutch, English, French, Slovak: 100%. German, Swedish, Slovene: 99%. Russian: 98%. Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish: < 60% (not included)
  • Enhanced the date guessing code for date fields
  • Fixed: After changing the text size setting, the folder view does not respond correctly to mouse events
  • Rules wizard: A confirmation is asked when the user try to go to the next step without adding the configured condition to the rule
  • Fixed: Up/Down and PageUp/PageDown keys don't cycle through pages anymore when the selection is at the top/bottom of the folder view.
  • Added the Import Calendar Data dialog for Calendar and Tasks folder.

Version 3.1.5a

  • Fixed: Creating a rule with comma-separated terms in the condition field fails
  • Fixed: Some text in the rules wizard is always displayed in English
  • Fixed: If an error happens when the wizard tries to create a rule in the background, the rule is not created but no error/warning is disaplayed
  • Fixed: Reordering rules does not give the expected result
  • Fixed: Website - uploading a file in a folder whose name contains a space creates another folder with an url-encoded space in it. The uploaded file remains inaccessible.

Version 3.1.5

  • Fixed: Dates in enhanced vacation message does not work since rules date format has been changed in CGP
  • Integrated the Buddy list available in 5.1 stock skins (disabled by default in LookOut)
  • Fixed: "When Delivered" / "When Read" labels are inversed in the compose page.
  • Fixed: Clicking on the month name of the monthly calendar open the current month, not the selected one
  • Fixed and enhanced the compose page's feature of reopening a session if the current one has been closed.
  • Fixed: Custom buttons may not work in IE6/7 when ShowWindowInline is disabled for that button
  • Fixed: Clicking the Forwarded Message tab when forwarding a message may introduce an incorrect behavior of the Advanced Formatting and the Text Only tabs
  • Fixed: Clicking on an attachment link in a message displayed in IE7 brings an unwanted confirmation dialog
  • Fixed: 'Update Attendee Status' button does not work
  • Fixed: Printing - New innovative fix to allow better message printing from LookOut
  • Fixed: XSS vulnerability in the Date header according to

Version 3.1.4a

  • Fixed: Incorrect text/html escaping in Safari, leading to html tags in reply text even when text only is selected.

Version 3.1.4

  • Completion of translations: English, French, German, Swedish, Dutch, Slovene: 100%. Russian, Slovak: 98%.
  • New setting to prevent LookOut from inserting the proper signature separator before the user's signature
  • New: Advanced Spell Checker (through AspellProxy) now verifies the subject's spelling
  • Fixed: Cosmetic problem in the Alert Windows for Safari
  • Fixed: Unable to send messages with Safari 1.3 (not officially supported)
  • Fixed: Proper character set does not follow the language selection as previously due to a change in the casing of the character set names.
  • Fixed: With specific computer, server and account timezone settings, clicking on a date in the calendar can display an incorrect day
  • Fixed: The available webfolders list is not updated when folders are created or deleted in the Website page
  • Fixed: Unable to change rules priorities on the Advanced Rules page
  • Fixed: If no rule exists and the vacation message is edited for the first time, saving it fails.
  • LookOut's favicon reinserted in the skin
  • Fixed: Context menu does not work in Firefox/OSX
  • Fixed: The MakeCall page does not initiates the phone call correctly

Version 3.1.3

  • The opened address book in the compose window is remembered between sessions
  • Better handling of the Compose window width to avoid objects overlapping
  • New setting to hide the "Text Only" tab on the compose page
  • New language: Slovene
  • Enhanced the attached files list display in the message view to be more intuitive
  • New way to handle the "background sound" for the "Play Sound when a new mail is received" feature.
  • Fixed: The List Import function (on the List Subscribers page) does not report import errors (Note: import is broken when using Firefox, problem comes from CGP)
  • Fixed: Attendees availability status is not displayed correctly when editing an event
  • Fixed: Attendees availability status colors are not consequent
  • Fixed: In "Copy" or "Move" rules actions, the selected destination folder name is saved with an URL encoding.
  • Fixed: Due to a bug in Safari, It is not always possible to complete the creation of a rule using the rules wizard
  • Fixed: On Firefox for OSX, some scrollbars "bleeds" through layers that should cover them
  • Fixed: HTML code in the message subject can introduce misformatting in the folder view
  • Fixed: Deleting rules is not always possible when running on CGP 5.1

Version 3.1.2a

  • Fixed: (v3.1) A bug in Safari (fixed in the latest webkit) breaks the "Text Only" mode on the compose page

Version 3.1.2

  • New: Home and End keyboard shortcuts implemented in folder view
  • New: Option to show tooltips on buttons
  • Support for Ctrl-Click context menu in safari
  • New: Folder details in the status bar when hovering the folder list

Version 3.1.1b

  • Enhanced the text selection in the message view
  • Fixed: (v3.1.1) The compose page does not open properly in Safari and does not always respect Compose Settings' width and height in other browsers

Version 3.1.1a

  • Fixed: The Edit link to edit the signature in the Compose settings leads to a blank field.
  • Fixed: Some debug code for Safari is still active (affects all browsers)

Version 3.1.1

  • Fixed: When a message is deleted from a pop-up message window, the main folder view is not always immediately notified
  • Fixed: The Subscription box shows no horizontal scrollbar
  • Fixed: The Subscription box does not always save changes
  • Fixed: The HTML Editor for signature behaves incorrectly in IE
  • Fixed: The browser default context menu can appear in the rich-text editor, risking to cause undesirable effects
  • Fixed: Compose page default height gets smaller over time in Safari
  • New: An additional click is required to edit the signature to render the compose settings page quicker to load and avoid interfering browser events
  • New: A skin-wide and per-user option to hide the new tick boxes
  • New: Context menu when clicking on messages in the folder view
  • New: Context menu have a simple drop-shadow to increase visibility
  • New: Browser context menu and right-click management in Safari

Version 3.1c

  • Fixed: "Recent" messages have their "flagged" and "has attachment" statuses reversed
  • Fixed: When SpamReport/EnableMove is enabled, the Message View toolbar fails to appear on external message windows

Version 3.1b

  • Fixed: When only one language is specified for the Advanced Spell Checker, the language code isn't properly sent to the plugin
  • Fixed: Compose page is partially broken in Opera
  • Other minor cosmetic fixes for Opera only

Version 3.1a

  • Fixed: Single checkbox-selected message can't be uncheck by clicking on the checkbox
  • Fixed: Glitch with the new mail sound selection
  • Fixed: Compose page is borken when no spell checker is installed at all

Version 3.1

  • New: "Hover" checkboxes to help select messages for people not used to the keyboard
  • New: Compose window display and text zone modified / enhanced to support advanced/inline spell checking
  • New: Inline spell checking (requires a plugin sold separately)
  • New: "Junk Mail" button which automatically moves selected messages to a specified mailbox
  • New: Skin option to hide the From field on the compose page
  • New: Skin option to allow users to choose amongst more than one "new mail" sound
  • Fixed: When forwarding a message from a folder whose name contains spaces or special characters, the "Forwarded Message" view produces an error message and the original message is not forwarded.
  • Fixed: Some signatures can be inserted twice in the message when replying
  • Fixed: Help window does not have scrollbars
  • Fixed: When the folder view is sorted by status, "ghost" selection may appear after changing one or more message's status
  • Fixed: The "Update attendees status" button is not shown
  • Fixed: LookOut refuses to display events which does not have an Organizer header
  • Fixed: Folder sort order in Safari. Still not exactly the same as other browsers due to the lack of localeCompare function, but closer.
  • Fixed: The Filter mailboxes field seems impossible to access
  • Fixed: Moving a subfolder under a folder whose name contains non-ascii character fails and produces a top-level "-BAD-..."-named folder
  • Fixed (v3.0): The "Next Unread" button is always disabled.

Version 3.0.6

  • Added a few attributes possibilities to the custom buttons to support integration with other products such as PolluStop's new per-user settings
  • Fixed: Holding "shift" and pressing the down arrow key selects a range of messages, but without scrolling down when the current selection reaches the edge of the box
  • Fixed: Selection problem when reaching the end of the current range with the down arrow key in the message list.
  • Fixed: When a pop-up menu is displayed, pressing a key does not hide it

Version 3.0.5

  • Fixed: Start Date of an event is considered only when selected in the drop-down, not when typed
  • Fixed: The New Event button always add the new event to the default calendar even if another calendar is open
  • Fixed: The Edit Event (Edit task, note, draft) button doesn't work in a message opened in a separate window
  • Fixed: Event status is not saved when creating a new event if the Event Status is not manually selected
  • Fixed: Some addresses with quotes and special characters in the Name par are broken by LookOut when replying
  • Fixed: Replied Addresses are not always saved when using the LookOut-specific vacation message
  • Fixed: The "Autocomplete typed addresses from" drop-down is shown even when per-user settings are not enabled
  • Fixed: The "Autocomplete typed addresses from" drop-down is incorrectly populated when HideOldDefaultAddressBook is set
  • Fixed: The font size setting is not working well in Opera
  • Fixed: Printing a long message only prints the first page; Some layout images and borders are printed too
  • Fixed: "On Logout Remove From Trash If Older Than" setting is not saved
  • Fixed: Parts of the ListSubscribers page is hidden beyond the page edge, depending on the language.
  • New: Per-user setting to disable the automatic expand of the folder tree to show folders containing unread items

Version 3.0.4

  • Added the two new Call Control settings available in CGP 5.1.1
  • The LookOut Settings page is now more like other settings pages, with default values.
  • New: The address book from which the addresses are taken for the autocomplete feature can now be defined (settings/contacts)
  • New: The selected text size applies to all pages
  • Restored the missing "Stage" column in Call rules
  • Renamed the "Directory Address Books" section into "Address".
  • Replaced the "ShowDirectoryConfig" setting by "HideAdvancedAddressBookConfig"
  • Basic testing in IE7 completed
  • New settings to hide the "My Domain" and/or the "[Default Addresses]" address books
  • Fixed: Message is still open in the background when the preview pane is closed
  • Fixed: The ComposeWidth and ComposeHeight parameters have no effect
  • Fixed: The Reply Header and Reply Quoting settings are not saved
  • Fixed: The Public Info page is not always correctly loaded
  • Fixed: Clicking on an address in the Central Directory search results gives a js error or a page not found error
  • Fixed: Event status is not saved when creating a new event
  • Fixed: The keyboard shortcuts (Enter / Escape) are not always working on alert/confirm boxes

Version 3.0.3

  • Fixed: The Autocomplete feature is not appearing properly in Internet Explorer
  • Fixed: The scrollbar does not return to the top when opening a new folder
  • Fixed: In the Vacation page, the pop-up calendars are displayed too high in IE.
  • Fixed: The advanced vacations (with start/end date) is not enabled when the Rules permissions are set to "Any"
  • New keyboard shortcut: F8 to show / hide preview pane
  • New: Custom Buttons can be configured (skin-wide setting) to open an admin-specified custom page
  • New skin setting to easily hide the Website button and the Store In website controls.

Version 3.0.2a

  • Fixed: The enter key does not work in the Text Only field of the compose page in Internet Explorer
  • The RepliedAddress strings address book has been hidden as its misleading the users
  • Fixed: The OpenNextMessageAfterDelete option applies only when message is deleted using the folder pane delete, not when using the message pane delete.
  • Fixed: LookOut removes the quotes around a typed address containing a comma, resulting in two addresses, including a broken one

Version 3.0.2

  • New translation: Russian
  • New translation: Swedish
  • Fixed: Per-user settings are not saved when AllowChangeFromAddress is set to NO
  • Fixed: After closing the Spell Checker, the layout of the compose page is broken
  • Fixed: SessionDirectoryFields value is a string, should be an array (in
  • Fixed: Weekly View is not displaying the days in order
  • Fixed: Daily View - events starting at 8:00 and 9:00 are shown at 0:00
  • Fixed: CalendarView Toolbar, the wrong button is disabled
  • Fixed: The 'Approve' button (in list approval folder) does nothing
  • New: User option to choose the action to perform after deleting a message (go to next, next unread, close)

Version 3.0.1

  • The HTML editor now generates simple formatting tags in Safari to allow the styles to be viewed in CGP webmail, which strips down the inline styles for some obscure reason.
  • New translation: Slovak
  • New translation: Dutch
  • New per-user option: Confirm folder move (enabled by default)

Version 3.0a

  • Minor changes to the Report Spam feature
  • Fixed: Messages opened in a new window by double-clicking in the folder view are empty

Version 3.0

  • Call logs window (CGP 5.1c5) is implemented
  • Removing the Status column is disabled, as well as having two times the same column
  • Fixed: The Save button is displayed even if no Draft folder is configured
  • New "Report Spam" feature, sponsored by NowData Corporation

Version 3.0 RC3

  • Cosmetic changes to the New Group window, the buttons are sometimes pushed off limits.
  • It is now possible to input several addresses at once in the New Group window field.
  • Fixed: New Group window, deleted items are back when the window is closed
  • Fixed: The blue heading (folder name, filter/search fields) looks misaligned in Safari
  • Fixed: In Opera, in the Settings pages, the Save button stays disabled (workaround an unknown opera bug, the button is always enabled now)
  • New: The currently selected message can be opened in a new window by pressing the Enter key.
  • New: Per-user setting to choose between small, medium and large text size in the main window (8pt, 9pt or 10pt)
  • New/Fixed: Date column (Received, Sent) is automatically widened if not wide enough
  • New/Fixed: LookOut now checks the available MIME types of the browser before trying to play the "new mail" sound. The sound is played only if a suitable MIME type is found.

Version 3.0 RC2a

  • Fixed: [RC2] Mouse is not working in Safari 2
  • Fixed: Spell checker is not working in new Task and new Note

Version 3.0 RC2

  • Fixed: Left mouse button is improperly detected in Safari 3 because of a drastic change in the Event object
  • Fixed: [RC1] Selection sticks with unknown state when deleting a message
  • Fixed: Call Control settings for CGP5.1 are not shown - CGP5.1 is not properly detected
  • Fixed: Call Control rules and actions are not translated or the default CGP translation is used
  • New: CGP version is automatically detected, redering useless the IsCGP50 and IsCGP42 switches

Version 3.0 RC1

  • Fixed: Some options in the custom drop-downs are not selectable
  • Fixed: Folder names containing a space are splitted in the Subscription list
  • Fixed: In Safari, it is not always possible to reorder the mailbox columns (bug in Safari, a workaround has been implemented)
  • Fixed (beta 5): The autocomplete feature of the To: box is broken
  • Fixed: When the message preview is closed, opening the message in a new window brings a blank window
  • Fixed: The options 'Show "Filter Messages" field' and 'Show "Search in Messages" field' aren't doing anything
  • Fixed: In Safari, when there's only one message in the folder, it's not always possible to select it
  • Fixed: Double-click in folder list is too sensitive
  • Fixed: Backspace key doesn't work in some text fields
  • Fixed: Clicking on "Accept", "Deny" or "Tentative" seems to do nothing
  • Fixed: When a new message is added in the current folder, the actual selection is incorrectly offset.
  • Fixed: Replying to html formatted messages in Safari removes formatting
  • Fixed: The "Inform" field in the Compose New Event window may overlap other fields when selected language is French or German
  • Fixed: In Safari, in the Compose page, Command-X,C,V are not doing what they should
  • Fixed: In Safari, the keyboard navigation just doesn't work at all
  • New: When saving settings, the Save button is disabled as soon as it's clicked and "saving..." is displayed, to avoid saving multiple times when there's a delay
  • New: Session Directory is implemented
  • New: Call Control is implemented (Signal rules, speed dial, call control settings)

Version 3.0 beta 5

  • Fixed: Deleted messages may be deleted a second time when deleting other messages, causing a simple but useless warning message
  • Fixed: Weekdays headers in small calendar are not always on the correct column
  • Fixed: System mailboxes in settings are not saved when the Default is selected
  • New: Opera 9 users can compose messages with Advanced Formatting
  • New: Basic keyboard navigation is implemented
  • New: It is now possible to select the admin-specified default value for a system mailbox
  • New: Simple interface to edit old-style/string address books in the compose page

Version 3.0 beta 4

  • New: Message stylesheets are removed to avoid major problems in Internet Explorer. An option is provided to display the message in a separate window with its stylesheet.
  • Fixed: System mailboxes in settings are saved correctly only the first time, not afterwards, when they contain non-ASCII characters
  • Fixed: Some delivery-report messages can't be displayed
  • Fixed: Text on some buttons is not translated
  • Fixed: After a specific set of actions, clicking on New Message replaces the main window. "Close Window" confirmation in IE.
  • Fixed: In Internet Explorer, the Date field text sometimes appear on two lines
  • Fixed: Some messages are not correctly wrapped and appears beyond the Message View horizontal limit without scrollbar
  • Fixed: Folder name highlight is sometimes incorrect after displaying a context menu
  • Fixed: The Forwarded Message tab in the Compose page is broken.
  • Fixed: Some per-user settings are not remembered after closing and reopening a session
  • Fixed: Text is clipped when printed
  • Enhanced date handling for the rare case where CGP doesn't output the date in the expected format

Version 3.0 beta 3

  • Fixed: Attachments links contain html code
  • Fixed: LookOut doesn't display some messages containing invalid datestamp (added proper error handling)
  • Fixed: A few css rules are invalid
  • Fixed: Only the first attachment of a message is displayed
  • Fixed: Highlight doesn't follow mouse when text is zoomed in in Firefox.
  • Fixed: Replying to a message no longer breaks the line endings
  • New per-user setting: Signature position on Reply or Forward (before text, after text, or no signature)

Version 3.0 beta 2a

  • Fixed: Creating a subfolder creates a folder with the wrong name at the wrong level

Version 3.0 beta 2

  • Tested and fixed for CGP 4.2 and 4.3 - changes in rules/vacation, calendar
  • Enhanced the SMIME management.
  • Closing the Settings window automatically refreshes the folder and the message views, as well as the toolbars if needed
  • Fixed: Print button and double-click to open message in a new window brings a blank window
  • Fixed: Settings/External doesn't refresh properly
  • Fixed: Safari hangs when creating a new message
  • Fixed: The LogOut button brings the Restore Session window
  • Fixed: Data corruption in the Rules wizard
  • Fixed: Unable to change rule name in the Rules wizard
  • Fixed: Rule action page is not working in IE

Version 3.0 beta 1

  • Created Rules wizard
  • Created Website file browser page

Version 3.0 alpha preview 3

  • Font size is now 9 points.
  • Improved accuracy of all graphic push-buttons
  • Auto-expand delay has been shortened, from 600ms to 400ms.
  • Created Calendar views (old-style table, monthly, weekly, daily)
  • Created Tasks view
  • Created Event and Task editor
  • Created Event viewer
  • Created Contact and Group editor
  • Fixed: The drag-drop-copy capability has been restored in Firefox/Mac.

Version 3.0 alpha preview 2

  • Several enhancements over the alpha preview 1.
  • Missing: Calendar, Tasks, Rules, Website, Create Contact or Group

Version 3.0 alpha preview

  • First preview of the rewritten-from-scratch LookOut 3.0

Version 2.2.4c

  • New language: swedish
  • Minor improvements to the html editor

Version 2.2.4b

  • Fixed: Rules wizard is half-broken

Version 2.2.4a

  • Some cleanup in the html editor

Version 2.2.4

  • New implementation of the Font Size and Font Face selectors in the HTML editor for them to work well in Safari
  • New implementation of the Text and Background Color selectors in the HTML editor for them to work well in Safari
  • Fixed: Trivial display bug in the New Contact dialog

Version 2.2.3

  • Fixed: HTML editor is not working in IE
  • Fixed: In New contact window, there is two "Province" fields. On has been renamed "Street", and the other, "Province/State"
  • Fixed: Clicking on an address in the headers of the message pane produces a javascript error instead of opening the Compose page

Version 2.2.2b

  • Fixed: The attachment fields are not generated automatically in Safari

Version 2.2.2a

  • Fixed: In Safari, when using the HTML editor, the body of the message doesn't get sent.
  • Implemented the "make a call" SIP feature when clicking on a phone number in a contact display

Version 2.2.2

  • Implemented SIP-related features ("media" flag on messages, call control page)
  • Fixed the propagation of the "Unread" flag display to the collapsed parent mailboxes
  • Implemented the Store Encrypted and Unencrypted buttons in the message pane

Version 2.2.1b

  • Fixed missing localization code

Version 2.2.1a

  • Fixed: The time offset is sometimes applied twice on the Event Start Time (in event summary)
  • Fixed: The Compose To button's implementation (in both contacts and contact summary pages) is incorrect, fails with groups and may fail with some contacts.
  • Fixed: The spell checker may fail on the first use of LookOut after deleting the browser's cookies

Version 2.2.1

  • New: To, Cc and Bcc fields' maximum length can be configured
  • Fixed: Rules Wizard is not working properly when Advanced Rules are disabled

Version 2.2e

  • Fixed: Compose buttons (in contacts mailbox and in contact preview) are not working

Version 2.2d

  • Fixed: Special folder creation attemps creates only a normal folder
  • Fixed: The Delete button in rules wizard doesn't work
  • Fixed: The Ends By: field in New Event doesn't automatically refresh to manual fields.

Version 2.2c

  • Fixed: Spell checked is not checking anything
  • Fixed: A problem in the cookie management can hang Safari while it's trying to figure out when 10^18 seconds from now is.

Version 2.2b

  • Fixed: Html editor buttons are not using translated text

Version 2.2a

  • Fixed: javascript typo in calendar prevents it to be displayed correctly in "by day" mode
  • Fixed: The "deleted contact" icon is shown in place of the "contact" icon.

Version 2.2

  • Rewrote almost entirely the HTML editor. Optimized, cleaned, and using a single image file for all buttons.
  • Fixed: Calendar is not working

Version 2.1.1c

  • Fixed: "Received" column is not wide enough
  • Fixed: "Bulleted list", "Ordered list", "Horizontal rule" strings are not translated

Version 2.1.1b

  • Fixed: A packaging problem causes javascript error when clicking on the HTML editor buttons.

Version 2.1.1a

  • Fixed: Compose page is broken

Version 2.1.1

  • New: domainname can be automatically appended to addresses in the To, CC and Bcc fields of the compose page.
  • New: RecurrenceEnd is supported for events, when using CGP 5.0c4+ (set IsCGP50 to YES)
  • Fixed message printing bug with Firefox
  • Fixed: Unable to select (to copy in clipboard) message text in Safari
  • Fixed: Contact Group address book is broken
  • Fixed: In Firefox, the opened dialogs are way too wide.

Version 2.1a

  • Fixed: Parts of the composed mail can disappear on spell checking if it contains an ampersand character
  • Fixed: Move and Copy buttons are broken

Version 2.1

  • Optimized the render time of hover hightlights on IE.
  • Optimized the load time by merging 24 small scripts into 4 bigger and carefully selecting the load order
  • Enhanced the display of the mailbox list drop-downs
  • It is now possible to create submailboxes of unselectable mailboxes
  • New: navigation buttons to go directly to the top or the bottom of the message
  • New: Two additional layout buttons to control the relative height of the preview area and the message list
  • Fixed: Safari 1.31 and 2.01 updates broke something in LookOut, it is not possible to open settings windows.
  • Fixed: Event recurrence is broken
  • Fixed: Selected message is remembered even if another mailbox is opened
  • Moved the rules strings with the main strings
  • Fixed the browser detection to detect Opera 8 properly. While not being supported, LookOut is compatible in Opera 8.
  • Fixed: the [remove] link on unselectable mailbox is trying to close the main window.
  • Fixed: The layout cookie is not saved properly under IE

Version 2.0.3d

  • Fixed: The 2.0.3c Firefox fix is failing when the URL contains a port number (http://domain:8100)

Version 2.0.3c

  • Fixed: LookOut is not working at all on Firefox 1.0.5 due to a breaking change in the browser

Version 2.0.3b

  • Fixed: ACL functions are not working for INBOX
  • Fixed: Rules Wizard Move To/Copy To actions are not remembering selected folder

Version 2.0.3a

  • Restored the autoclose feature on settings and rules page. This feature has been removed by mistake in 2.0.2
  • Fixed a ghost scrollbar in the rules page in Firefox (Mac)

Version 2.0.3

  • New: It is now possible to add an attachment to a message being forwarded.
  • New: HTML Signature in the Compose settings page.
  • New: The Reject With action is now available in the Rules wizard
  • Fixed: When a message is deleted, the last row of the mailbox pane is not removed
  • Fixed: If UTF-8 is not selected, international characters (even within the current charset) are not transmitted properly to the spell checker
  • Fixed: A bug in Firefox (Mac) is causing a double scrollbar to appear in the Rule Wizard dialog
  • Fixed: Useless scrollbars are displayed in Settings and Compose page, in Safari.
  • Fixed: The Show Full headers links are shown on the Compose page when forwarding a message
  • Fixed: The rules wizard init function is called even if it's disabled, causing a javascript error
  • Fixed: Reply and Forward actions are available in the Rules Wizard even if Automated Rules settings is set to Filter Only
  • Fixed: Reply and Reply to All actions were showing garbled data in the rule preview in some cases
  • The css file caching is now controlled by the buildnumber too.

Version 2.0.2

  • Fixed: The parent field and the New Name field in Rename Mailbox window should contain the current value
  • Fixed: Entries in addressbook are now truncated if they are too wide for the box.
  • Fixed: HTML formatting is lost after submitting a message without recipient (and receiving an error message)
  • Fixed: The "Uncache on upgrade" feature is not used for a few scripts such as browser.js and javascript.js
  • Fixed: The HTMLEditor can strip some characters from the end of the message
  • Fixed: The EOLs are not restored when switching back from html to text
  • Fixed: Firefox doesn't like some function constructs for the Select Color dialog in the html editor. The dialog is broken.
  • Fixed: The EOLs are not converted to <br> when using automatic HTML editor
  • Added a buildnumber file in the package (do not delete, it's used for the uncache feature)

Version 2.0.1

  • Fixed: If the first message of a mailbox contains a Color flag, the whole mailbox is colored
  • Fixed (hopefully): The scripts shouldn't be loaded from browser cache after a Skin upgrade
  • Fixed: The buttons at the bottom of the AddressBook page are sometimes pushed out of the window
  • Removed two debug lines
  • Introduced changes of CGP 4.3.5 (non-breaking changes for previous versions since CGP 4.2.5)

Version 2.0

  • Moved some scrollbar definitions into CSS
  • The Received column is now named "Sent" in Sent Items, and "Date" in drafts
  • Fixed: When creating an event, the options box is pushed out of view upon selecting "Show Availability"
  • Cleanup in unused named styles
  • Fixed: Input fields in SessionDirectory get pushed out of the window on some browsers
  • Fixed: Compose window opened from SessionDirectory window is too small
  • Fixed: Create New Group window layout is broken
  • Fixed: The preview pane Move/Copy drop-down always contains only the standard mailboxes instead of the ones related to the currently opened item
  • Fixed: Undo/Redo in HTMLArea is not working
  • Modified the way RPOP entries are displayed, to take less horizontal space
  • Modified the disposition of the Website page buttons
  • Reduced the size of the wssp and javascript files by about 15%
  • Note: In Firefox, an error is shown in the javascript console when some actions are performed: [...] [nsIAutoCompletePopup::selectedIndex] [...]. This is caused by a bug in Firefox and can be safely ignored. Ref:
  • New: Translation tables has been added for a few known vCard fields (BDAY, KEY, NICKNAME, X-WAB-GENDER).
  • New: HTMLArea font is defaulted to Arial (Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif)
  • New: [Firefox, Mozilla, IE] A confirmation message is displayed before the user closes the main window without logging off.
  • New: Since Firefox devs disabled the status bar by default, status text is shown in the titlebar when status bar modification is disabled. May apply to other browsers with read-only statusbar.
  • New: Implemented a hidden error log function to debug the release version. Click on the user's address on the main toolbar, with the ALT key pressed. A new window will open with the error log. Nothing happens if the error log is empty.
  • Applied javascript speed optimization techniques everywhere. While the initial loading time is approximately the same, the render speed changed a lot
  • Moved HTMLArea-specific translated strings into [language].data, with other strings
  • Moved HTMLArea html dialog files into wssp, cleaned up

Version 2.0 RC2

  • New: The browsers are forced to reload the scripts from the server (and not from the cache) when LookOut version changes. No need to empty the browser cache anymore.
  • Fixed: The Create new folder window is not working
  • Fixed: A LookOut javascript function is clashing with a buggy/disabled javascript extension of the Mozilla Browser
  • Fixed: A scrollbar is missing in the Advanced Rules page
  • Fixed: Display bug with All-Day events in Calendar page
  • Fixed: Demo Compose page has errors
  • Fixed: Compose Window may fail if the New Message button is clicked too early after logon (< 3 seconds)

Version 2.0 RC1

  • New: The inline HTML Editor is now available in Safari (1.3+)
  • New: Calendar and tasks pages have a new look
  • New: Rule Wizard, the New Rule button brings up the Rule window instead of just adding an empty rule an wating for the user to press Modify
  • New: It is now possible to specify the skins that will be listed in the Layout Selector (settings page)
  • New: Activity indicator on some operations, such as Upload file in website
  • New: Compose button on contacts page
  • New: Spell checking is done in the background, no reload of the compose page anymore
  • Fixed: Compose window is broken when the main webmail page is closed
  • Fixed: Address Book, action buttons are available even if no address is selected
  • Fixed: Address Book, the dialog width is too small, the scrollbar disappears at the edge
  • Fixed: Resume session is now working
  • Fixed: Resume page strings were not translated
  • Fixed: Rule Wizard, It is possible to create two rules with the same name, resulting in some confusion for the user
  • Removed FixRedirectLinks settings if CGP 4.3 is used
  • Included CGP 4.3 new values (set IsCGP43 to "NO" if you're still on 4.2.x)

Version 2.0 beta 1

  • Still compatible with CGPro 4.2.5+
  • New: Settings, Rules, Website, List settings, Mailbox settings and Session directory are now opened in dialog-like windows.
  • New: New/Edit Contact, New/Edit Group, Create folder and Address Book (for compose and new group) are now opened in dialog-like windows
  • New: The Mailbox settings dialog can be opened directly from the mailboxes list (click on the envelope icon)
  • New: Opened dialogs will close automatically if the session times out or the main window is closed. This doesn't include message windows.
  • New: Rules wizard
  • New: The mailboxes list and the message list are visually updated only when it is really needed
  • New: The mailboxes Filter is now recursive and javascript-based. The server is not queried.
  • New: using XMLHTTP object for background processing sign as refreshing folder and folder list.
  • New: Setting to display US date/time (default is now International format)
  • New: Filter box for the message list (disabled by default in settings)
  • New: Messages opened in a new window (shift-click or double-click) now have a toolbar
  • New: Using modal/always-on-top windows for dialogs (IE, Mozilla, Netscape)
  • New address book for group
  • New icon set
  • All scripts are loaded once at startup and are cached in page's variables. Usage of the skin over an SSL session is now possible, while still not officially supported.
  • Moved the mailboxes list related actions to the mailboxes list toolbar
  • Moved most of the global variables into objects (config, text, etc)
  • Converted all images from gif to png
  • Opened windows are now centered relative to parent
  • "Default mailboxes" settings now accept only maliboxes of the correct IPF type
  • The ComposeFramed setting has been removed, it's not compatible with the new system and anyway there's a lot of new external windows
  • Date column (Received/Sent) is displayed in international format
  • Introduced 4.3c changes with IsCGP43 setting
  • Many small enhancements everywhere
  • Fixed: Focus problems in the HTML editor and Firefox
  • Official browser support: IE 6, Firefox 1.0.3, Netscape 7.2, Safari 1.2
  • Known browser compatibility: IE 5.5, Firefox 1.0, Netscape 7.1, Safari 1.2, Opera 8.0

Version 1.56c

  • Fixed: short text in htmlarea is not sent.

Version 1.56b

  • Fixed: htmlarea produces long lines

Version 1.56a

  • Fixed: A debug message appears when Select All is clicked.
  • Fixed: External subscribed mailboxes are not correctly shown in the tree.

Version 1.56

  • New language: Italian
  • Fixed: Mailbox settings ACL is a bit less confusing on Firefox
  • New: Dutch translation is done and reintroduced in the skin
  • Fixed: In HtmlArea, Enter key is not behaving the same way in Internet Explorer and Firefox
  • Fixed: Clicking on an highlighted address opens the Compose page but the address is not in the To: box
  • Fixed: Unable to switch back from HTML editing mode when the box is empty, in Internet Explorer
  • Fixed: Unable to start HTMLArea when slovak language is selected
  • Fixed: The Select All button is not working in Safari
  • New: Slovak translation for HTMLArea

Version 1.55d

  • New language: Italian
  • Fixed: Mailbox settings ACL is a bit less confusing on Firefox
  • New: Dutch translation is done and reintroduced in the skin
  • Fixed: In HtmlArea, Enter key is not behaving the same way in Internet Explorer and Firefox
  • Fixed: Clicking on an highlighted address opens the Compose page but the address is not in the To: box
  • Fixed: Unable to switch back from HTML editing mode when the box is empty, in Internet Explorer
  • Fixed: Unable to start HTMLArea when slovak language is selected
  • Fixed: The Select All button is not working in Safari
  • New: Slovak translation for HTMLArea

Version 1.55c

  • Fixed: ShowLayoutSelector=NO wasn't giving the expected result

Version 1.55b

  • Some fixes in HTMLArea

Version 1.55a

  • Fixed: The top toolbar is crumbled and some buttons get pushed out of the visible area
  • Fixed: The message frame's delete button is not working properly
  • Removed optional files from the package's tar file
  • Fixed: A small bug with IMAP-UTF7 decoder can affect mailboxes with an hyphen in their name.

Version 1.55

  • Added FixRedirectLinks option to remove the /Redirect/ links of CGP. This can be considered as a security issue since the Referer field will contain the Session ID
  • Updated the INSTALL file with the documentation of recently added options

Version 1.54

  • Fixed: Mailboxes with very special and uncommon name such as "outlook://mailboxname" could prevent the Mailboxes list to render
  • Fixed: Compose window doesn't open when ComposeFramed is set
  • Fixed: Cookies are not kept after closing browser
  • Some strings changed to match changes in stock skin

Version 1.53a

  • Fixed: SSLSwitchToNormal and SSLSecurePassword were working only with the port command, not the prefix command

Version 1.53

  • Fixed: Note field in vCard and vGroup display wasn't wrapped, parts of long fields was hidden by window boundaries
  • Fixed: javascript errors in Firefox/Netscape
  • Fixed: The help pages showed without scrollbar
  • Japanese translation is complete

Version 1.52b

  • Turkish translation is complete

Version 1.52a

  • Little fix with charsets, Spanish was missing it's default charset
  • A file was missing in the package

Version 1.52

  • Spanish translation is complete
  • Slovak translation is complete
  • Added a stylesheet tweak for slovak language (the default font, Gill Sans, doesn't contains the ISO-8859-2-specific characters)
  • Added a few missing strings (compose page, certificate page, new mailbox page)
  • Some fixes in German translation
  • Fixed: Text Selection problem in message pane
  • Fixed: The calendar was skipping a month when pressing on prev or next
  • Non-US untranslated mailboxes names are now shown correctly even if the correct charset is not selected
  • Fixed: Calendar could fail to render when an event summary contained special characters

Version 1.51c

  • German translation is complete
  • Russian translation is complete
  • Some string fixes

Version 1.51b

  • HTMLArea language files are converted in non-UTF8 files using unicode escape characters for compatibility with all browsers
  • HTMLArea files are removed from the demo package since they are not used
  • Turkish and Norvegian languages added to HTMLArea, however they won't be used until turkish and norvegian translations of LookOut are done.
  • Small visual fix in CSS
  • Added: ShowLayoutSelector setting, set it to NO to hide the Layout selector in the settings page
  • Added: Wireless Layout selector, and the ShowWirelessLayoutSelector setting
  • Added: back to default view after going to folder view with Calendar or Tasks
  • Fixed: Reply text was collapsed in a block when using HTMLArea in Auto mode.
  • Fixed: Successful change password shows an empty Alert window when using SSL switch.
  • Fixed: Rules and vacation message was not working
  • Fixed: Text is some textarea were not selectable
  • Fixed: The navigation buttons (next/prev message set) were not working properly
  • Fixed: Mailbox names with characters > U+00FF weren't showing properly in drop-downs
  • Fixed: Mailbox names with characters > U+007F weren't translated in the Rename field

Version 1.51a

  • Opera (7.5+) can now load LookOut. However, Niversoft doesn't give any support and won't make any additional testing for this browser.
  • I will now use (a, b, c, d) for really minor versions, instead of -1, -2, etc. This is less confusing.

Version 1.51

  • Added the Auto-Charset feature to auto-select a proper charset when changing the language
  • Recreated parts of the mailbox code. The mailbox contents is now in an IFRAME.
  • The mouse wheel can now be used to scroll the mailbox in Netscape and Firefox
  • Settings are shown in an IFRAME
  • LookOut now shares it's strings datafiles with Spid and SessionLess

Version 1.5-1

  • Fixed the SSL auto switch feature. Replaced the old code by a better one using browser features or regexp if necessary.
  • Fixed cookies and the Mailboxes list auto-sizing. Cookies are still not saved in IE when the URL is localhost. I don't know why.

Version 1.5

  • This skin still works on Safari 1.0.3+ with some visual flaws, but this browser is not supported anymore
  • This skin requires Communigate Pro 4.2.4
  • LookOut now supports well the mailboxes with same name but different case.
  • All "Mailbox" and "Mailboxes" text are now replaced by "Folder" and "Folders"
  • Removed all WML code
  • Changed a bit the appearance of buttons. They now should look the same everywhere
  • Removed the LookOut Petite integration code. This is not needed anymore with the SessionSkin parameter
  • Removed strings.js files. All strings in
  • More W3C HTML4.01 compliant (Can't be 100% until I completely recreate the toolbars)
  • Moved all config options in (no more config.js)
  • Added text on some buttons and removed some others (delete now does delete&next, removed delete only)
  • Firefox is officially the browser where LookOut runs the fastest
  • Recreated the Compose toolbar. Less crumbled
  • Replaced the current HTML editor (TextToolbar) by a better one (htmlArea)
  • Changed the appearance of the Tabs (Settings, Compose, Rules)
  • Minor bugfixes, a lot of testing, changes here and there, everything is great

Version 1.42

  • Added a Close button on the mailboxes list pane, and created a button similar to the Folders bar in Outlook.
  • Realigned things in the header (where the current mailbox name is shown)
  • Added the possibility to "hide" the status column. Shift-click on it to shrink it to 6 pixels wide.
  • Added the possibility to easily open messages in a new window with double-click (always) or shift-click (when the "preview" is opened)
  • The mailboxes pane can now show Subfolders that has no parent or for which the parent is not subscribed
  • Added a render progress status in the status bar of the browser (Loading message... 90%)
  • Created Demo version
  • Fixed Password page
  • Fixed Create Mailbox page (was unable to create anything else than normal and contact mailboxes)
  • Removed the filesref file, not really needed

Version 1.41

  • Fixed bugs related to Safari. Added better support of Safari 1.0.3. Safari 1.0.2 and previous versions are not supported anymore.
  • Got rid of the hidden IFRAME from the mailbox pane. Why didn't I thought of that before?
  • Simplified the "Delete & Next Unread" action, now faster than ever.
  • Fixed a bug related to SMIME support
  • Replaced some images by text
  • Fixed column width in Safari
  • Fixed a few things in autosize module
  • Fixed a bux in the status bar of Firefox/Netscape
  • Added some failsafe code to the mailboxes list for mailboxes with weird names as "~account/INBOX"
  • Fixed the Website page
  • All scripts are now passed through a "lint" utility (pedantic syntax check) and into a compactor for a faster loading.
  • The filter field for mailboxes is back on the mailboxes list page.
  • Removed the temporary patch introduced in 1.4-1, this patch now causes glitches since the CGPro bug is fixed.
  • Introduced changes from CGPro 4.2.1
  • Skin now requires CGPro 4.2.1
  • Definitive fix for the UTF-8 problem of translated strings.js

Version 1.4-2

  • Patch for Safari 1.2 bug, some refresh events didn't happen and internal message ID were incorrect after deleting a message.
  • Patch for Camino/Firefox Mac (not officialy supported), a scrollbar ghost appeared in the mailbox pane.
  • New languge pack: Dutch
  • Messages in a mailbox which name has a space couldn't be deleted/flagged/etc.

Version 1.4-1

  • Added a temporary patch to fix a WSSP bug, this patch will be removed when Stalker will have fixed the bug. This bug was causing the non-ASCII characters to appear as undecoded UTF-8 in the mailbox pane.
  • Full support of Safari 1.2. ALL the visual features that were disabled in Safari 1.0 are now enabled, except the HTML editor in the compose page.
  • Fixed the text-wrap bug introduced in 1.4

Version 1.4

  • This version is compatible with Communigate Pro 4.2 and is not backward-compatible.
  • Better handling of unsupported browsers, some of them didn't supported one of the javascript commands in hello.wssp
  • Mailboxes List now refreshes maximum once each 30 seconds, or when an action that may change the display of the list is performed (open unread message, move/copy/delete message, mark read/unread)
  • config.js no longer has to be an UTF-8 file.
  • Removed the Size of mailboxes from the tree (toggle)
  • The Open/Close position of mailbox tree is now saved into cookies
  • Introduced all webskin changes that occured between 4.1.8 and 4.2b8
  • Small cleanup of the sessionless files
  • Some cleanup everywhere
  • Introduced the "Priority" column support
  • Sessionless files are now removed from lookout and are in a separate package
  • Charset field restored on Create mailbox page
  • Fixed Spell Checker
  • Revised the INSTALL procedure
  • The Resume session feature is now functional, even with frames!

Version 1.34-1

  • [Hotfix] Removed the "Remember Password", was a huge security risk. Removed "Open in new window" and reenabled autocomplete for password field, this one is safe.

Version 1.34

  • Added a dropdown to change the number of messages currently shown in the open mailbox.
  • Added a colored bar to show the amount of space used in the account
  • Put Mailboxes Filter and Create New Mailbox on separate pages
  • Better Create Mailbox design, now with a Parent Folder selector.
  • Added some space at the top of the message when clicking Reply
  • Fixed the "Today" button in Calendar, had a bug in Netscape.
  • Corrected a few typos
  • Removed the colouring in the Mailbox selectors in mailbox and message pane, the invalid destinations are now just not shown.
  • This will probably be the last version compatible with CGPro 4.1.8, I'm beginning development for 4.2 and skins are not backward compatible.
  • In mailbox pane, message under cursor is now highlighted
  • The context menu is now always accessible by holding the CTRL button and right-clicking (the debug_mode flag does not control the Context Menu anymore)
  • Added some cookies to remember custom settings such as frames separators positions (does not work in Safari).
  • Added a "Restore default layout" button since the changes of the layout is now stored into cookies (useless in Safari).
  • Limited the number of refreshes of the Mailboxes List pane
  • Tweaked the toolbar buttons appearance on Netscape
  • Added "Remember username" and "Remember password" checkboxes on the login page. Username and password are stored in cookies in base64 format.
  • The state of all checkboxes on the login page is now saved into cookies.
  • Installed the integration with LookOut Petite skin, which is about to be released.
  • Modified the error states for non supported browsers

Version 1.33

  • More speed while opening messages. The mailbox refreshes after the message is fully loaded, not anymore just before the message is opened
  • You can summon the context menu even not in debug mode by pressing CTRL before right-clicking
  • Fixed a silent javasript error on Mailboxes.wssp
  • A lot of new options in the config file. You can now disable settings pages one by one or as a whole. You can remove Help button, New Note button, you can remove the link to the session directory, you can disable the modification of the From: field in the settings.
  • Fixed the scrollbar when using framed option
  • In Settings/Password, the password is now sent via SSL when using Auto Switch To Non-SSL feature
  • Put a bit more structure in the config file. PREVIOUS CONFIG FILES ARE NOT COMPATIBLE ANYMORE
  • Removed the LoadLoc() and the window.go functions, were causing problems. replaced by a first-level go() function.
  • When a message subject can't be parsed (for instance if it contains a special character), the subject is replaced by [........] instead of preventing the render of the whole mailbox.
  • Fixed SelectMessage when the preview pane is closed
  • Fixed PrePopulateSkinChooser
  • Fixed attachments - were not working in certain conditions

Version 1.32

  • The Calendar settings are now hidden when WebCAL is not enabled.
  • Began another skin project. Some integration with LookOut normal. More to come. Please don't ask for more information until I make an announcement.
  • Realigned List Settings page. Alignment has been broke by font size change.
  • Added a few options on config file
  • Fixed the Move button in the Message pane.
  • Fixed the duplicate entries in the Mailboxes list in the Message pane.
  • Fixed Retrieve Password on Login page

Version 1.31

  • Doesn't make Opera crash anymore. However, Opera is still not supported
  • Fixed an alignment bug in Safari
  • Added Usersiteindex to domainfiles
  • Restored freebusy, listmessage and listmailbox from 1.23
  • Removed 0-byte and unused files from package
  • Fixed CSS syntax error introduced in 1.3

Version 1.3

  • Made more place for text in the top bar
  • Modified the toolbar for events (Moved Cancel Event near Delete, less confusion).
  • Optimisation of the mailbox page, little speed boost.
  • Advanced parsing of the message headers (decoding email addresses to display them as link).
  • "Prev"/"Next Message" buttons are now always present on the message pane, but disabled when there is no prev/next message.
  • "Next Unread" button is now disabled when there's no new messages
  • Modified the tooltip of the Save button in compose pages (not message)
  • Added "Date" to HeaderNames.
  • Translated the word "Action" in Rule.wssp
  • Modified message.wssp to enable mousewheel in Netscape 7.1 and Mozilla 1.4+.
  • The message is now always shown in an iframe. However, to work correctly, the settings Show HTML (General/Message Viewer) must be set to "inline". A warning is shown if the setting is incorrect. And yes, this is faster.
  • Added new switches in login.wssp to hide the checkboxes.
  • AutoCheckPopNewWindow is now defaulted to "false".
  • Script optimisazion in mailbox.js for better render speed
  • Added a warning in settings.wssp when set to display more than 100 messages
  • Removed all <th> tags and modified some styles for consistency
  • Now exporting with Unix EOL

Version 1.23

  • Restored the scrollbars in sessionless pages
  • Removed the Page-Enter transition for almost all pages. The page now renders faster.
  • Increased font height to 10px.
  • Enhanced the URL parser of the login page. You can now use an URL like "" to pre-fill the username.
  • Removed the "Partial Compatibility Warning" from the login page. A warning is shown only when using incompatible browsers.
  • Added compatibility warning in Compose.wssp page when trying to use HTML mode
  • Some updates in, each languages.

Version 1.22

  • Fixed ACL (bug introduced in 1.2)
  • Fixed bug with Mozilla - Unable to enable/disable Redirect All Mail
  • Recoded the Mailbox selector for Copy/Move operations, now more robust
  • A few optimisations
  • Reenabled the possibility to use UTF-8. I will probably have to test more, but it seems to work well now, as long as translated js file is UTF-8 too.
  • Implemented the "Don't Lose Composed Message On Session Timeout" feature in login.wssp
  • Better transmission of errorCode between login.wssp and welcome.wssp.
  • The Retrieve Forgotten Password is now working
  • Removed emoticons from the package. Who uses that anyway?

Version 1.21

  • Fixed bug with accented characters in the mailboxes list in the mailbox pane (bug introduced in v1.2)
  • There was some untranslated strings in vcardpart.wssp (used to show contact information)

Version 1.2

  • A lot of small parts reviewed, fixed, rewritten.
  • Added near-full compatibility (except HTML editor) for Netscape 7.0!
  • Added near-full compatibility (except HTML editor) for Netscape 6.2.3!
  • Little fix on login page when trying to login with no login & password
  • Restored some visual features in Safari
  • At last! Restored the frame borders in Safari
  • Tabbed-style pages retored in Safari

Version 1.12a

  • Removed the "wrong" error message when the mailbox is empty.

Version 1.12

  • Fixed a problem on timeout in login.js.
  • Removed an unwanted message when using the skin selector with an old browser
  • Fixed a bug with the Inline HTML editor in IE 5.5
  • Enhanced the error detection for known recurring problems. Added some error messages when the skin can't (or think he won't be able to) display the mailbox, instead of displaying ackward full-height column headers.

Version 1.11

  • Added (full) compatibility for IE 5.5!
  • Began the help system integration
  • Splitted utility.js into two files for faster loading of some parts of the skin
  • Fixed problems with AutoCheckPopNewWindow in login.wssp
  • Added a check in hello.wssp for incompatible browsers to automatically redirect to the settings page. The user can then select another skin.
  • Enhanced incompatibility messages

Version 1.1

  • Transformed the login.wssp page. Added a placeholder for company logo. The Autocomplete mode for the Password field on the login page is now disabled.
  • Fixed the skin selector when domainselector is enabled.
  • Implemented the config option Autoswitch to non-SSL after login, and the config option Autoswitch to SSL on login page.
  • Fixed a cosmetic bug: When only one message in a mailbox, the message wasn't highlighted when selected.
  • Fixed the hello.wssp file for the stateless skin selector. Now faster.
  • PrePopulateWith was written ProPopulateWith almost everywhere

Version 1.07

  • Fixed MDN setting
  • Implemented "First" and "Last" message group function, in mailbox.wssp.
  • Done a fail-safe tweaking on settings.wssp to try to fix the "settings page is not showing automatically on Safari" bug, that I never reproduced myself but were reported by two different people. I hope that it will be fixed now.

Version 1.06

  • Translated drop-down menus in sessiondirectory.wssp
  • All files are now in Unix-LF format (not anymore Win32 CRLF). This apparently doesn't change anything, it's just to be sure to be more compatible.
  • Translated some drop-down menus in settings.wssp and ListSettings.wssp
  • Implemented the domain selector in login.wssp, to allow drop-down selection of a domain when a server serves multiple domains. This drop-down must be filled by hand by the admin. Tested in Safari too
  • A few typos fixed in the french language pack
  • Added a real checkbox in row headers of mailbox.wssp. This is a bit less cute than before, but far more intuitive.
  • Found another way to display the checkbox, it's very nice now! Applied this solution to "toggle" buttons

Version 1.05

  • Re-fixed: New Notes, Events and Tasks are (now really) saved in the currently opened mailbox if applicable
  • "Remove event from calendar" now refreshes the calendar view
  • Attachment links are now opened in a new window
  • Many new fixes in french
  • Calendar, Tasks or Contacts mailboxes with a single-quote in their name couldn't be opened correctly.
  • Extracted a few remaining strings
  • Extracted all strings from contact.wssp, this file was forgotten
  • Fixed a bug with Safari when opening some links
  • Added strings from contact.wssp into, & french translation
  • Removed a bug that generated javascript errors when a unexisting mailbox was opened

Version 1.04

  • Fixed the column alignment in Netscape when the scrollbar isn't present, at last.
  • The Reply/Edit Compose windows are now opened with the same size as the New Compose windows.

Version 1.03

  • Modified the color of text in some textboxes (Chris Ferebee's suggestion)
  • Removed confusing "decoded message in new window". The title of this function was confusing, it's original goal not even more known, even by me. The original proposer of it doesn't even use it anymore. To open the message in a new window, use the "Printer-friendly version" (Thanks to Yuri Krichevsky)
  • Printer friendly version modified, even more printer friendly, but doesn't automatically open the Print dialog automatically.
  • New Notes, Events and Tasks are saved in the currently opened mailbox if applicable. (Thanks to Hans Melgers)
  • Many typos have been fixed in the french file (Thanks to Georges Desort)
  • Fixed a little bug in dom_mailbox.js that would prevent an empty mailbox to refresh correctly if a new message would be added to it from an external source (d'oh)
  • Reply, Forward and Edit - compose windows are now opened the same way as the New - compose window, without address bar, navigator buttons, etc. (Thanks to Hans Melgers)
  • Realigned the buttons that contains a check box (Thanks to Mike Bacher)
  • Fixed some tooltips in calendar.wssp (Thanks to Baback Shahriari)
  • Implemented the Framed Compose Window mode. This doesn't change the default behavior, implemented as per-skin setting. When the option is set (compose_framed), the compose window is opened in the right frame instead of in a new window. (Thanks to... many)
  • Included the file null.wssp in the package... (Thanks to Eulogio Robles)
  • Fixed the link to "Subscribed Mailboxes" (Thanks to Georges Desort)
  • Fixed Inline HTML Editor in Netscape (HTML was not sent) (Thanks to Eulogio Robles)
  • listmailbox.wssp: restored the Mail To ListMaster link
  • Added some missing HeaderNames in, translated them in french
  • Fixed the "Sort by &amp;quot;From&amp;quot;" tooltip.

Version 1.02

  • Fixed some strange selection behavior on Safari
  • m-flaggedletter.gif and m-recentletter.gif weren't loaded from the browser cache, but always from the server. fixed.
  • Fixed a small bug with the SelectAll() function
  • Removed a forgotten debug message (Netscape/Mozilla only)

Version 1.01

  • One more french string removed from english (RulePriority)
  • Scroll bar restored in inline HTML editor
  • Other bugfix in inline HTML editor, related to swap between HTML/no HTML
  • Spell checker fixed for HTML mode
  • Create Mailbox/Filter tabs contents are no more overlapped by mailboxes tree view when expanding nodes.

Version 1.0

  • in mailbox.wssp (mailbox view), in the mailbox selector for Copy and Move operation, the Mailbox Names with accented characters are not anymore displayed with UTF-7 tagged text ("&AMk-l&AOk-ments Envoy&AOk-s")
  • Fixed a little bug with the Copy & Move operations. These actions were sometimes allowed for destination mailbox with a different class than the source.
  • A few strings in English were in french, probably due to an incorrect cut & paste operation...
  • Did some cleanup in compose.wssp and some bugfix (ie & netscape) in the inline HTML editor.
  • The Compose page Toolbar is not anymore docked at the top, it scrolls with the page, was causing too much problems. But since the compose page rarely have to be scrolled, I don't think this will be an issue
  • Two strings were missing from (compose headers)
  • Implemented a javascript UTF-7 parser. Finally not used in LookOut, but if someone needs it, it's still in utility.js...

Version 0.84-1

  • Extracted all strings from sessionless and error files
  • Translated those strings in french too
  • Modified the install package to include in sessionless and error files packages
  • Modified the install package to remove the unneeded duplicates
  • The french language pack is now separated from the main package
  • The INSTALL file has been modified to be easier to read. Nameless installation methods has been removed.
  • Fixed the bug which was causing the log messages (was in dom_mailbox.js) "SYSTEM failed to read WebSkin file 'null'. Error Code=file not found"

Version 0.84

  • Began french translation
  • The process of french translation made me found problems in some parts of the skin, missing strings in data, etc. Fixing during the translation process.
  • Adjusted the refresh time of the mailbox with the settings
  • Fixed a bug fixed long ago but lost, in mailboxes.wssp, regarding unsupported mailbox classes (for instance, IPF.Journal)
  • Fixed the path of the files in Website.wssp
  • Website button is not anymore shown when Web Storage is set to 0 (disabling website service is not enough to hide this button - CGPro limitation).
  • Translation: All french translation added. Many missing strings added.

Version 0.83-2

  • Fixed a duplicate string (cut&paste error) in
  • restored a space on mailboxcode.wssp (displayed in head.wssp)
  • Added "Display next/previous message set" on arrows in mailboxcode.wssp (displayed in head.wssp)
  • Message display is not anymore closed when clicking Reply, Reply All or Forward. (but it still closed when clicking Edit).
  • Compose window opening fixed to not be blocked by google toolbar pop-ups blocker
  • PrePopulateSkin (in login.wssp) is now defaulted to false;

Version 0.83-1

  • Fixed

Version 0.83 [RC1]

  • Mailboxes list is now a bit narrower
  • Any open message is now closed when delete or move is clicked in the mailbox pane. Messages are not anymore closed based on the display of the mailbox
  • Fix in text alignemnt in Calendar by Hour
  • Easier customisation of the Login page, possibility of pre-populating the Stateless Skin Selector
  • The IFRAME is now automatically resized at the opening of a message (Message viewer: View HTML in frame)
  • Moved all strings of wssi files to
  • Moved all strings of wssp files to while cleaning
  • Cleaned for easier reading and editing
  • Fixed usersiteindex.wssp for stateless requests
  • Restored Open Mailbox feature in subscription.wssp

Version 0.82b-2

  • Fixed PrevDaySet/NextDaySet in freebusy.wssp
  • Fixed a possibility of infinite redirect-loop in login.wssp

Version 0.82b-1

  • Restored all WML code for WAP access (included walerts, wbye, wcompose, whello, wlogin, wmailbox, wmailboxes and wmessage with small changes from the original files. Tested with
  • wmailboxes displays the mailboxes in logical order.
  • added basic wnotes, wcalendar, wcontacts, wtasks (these files were missing in the stock skin...)

Version 0.82b

  • Implemented freebusy.wssp
  • Stateless Skin Selector now closes all its hidden sessions
  • Stateless Skin Selector shows the currently selected skin
  • Stateless Skin Selector is now more robust
  • Stateless Skin Selector now POSTs the login info, so the username & password doesn't get stored in history
  • Fixed a random bug with selected messages in IE (hard to reproduce)
  • Implemented listlist, listmailbox, listmessage
  • Restored the possibility of having AutoComplete in login page (IE)
  • Safari: Fixed "Delete and next" and "Close As Unread"
  • Implemented sessiondirectory, directory
  • All files are now implemented!

Version 0.81b

  • Restored Reply, Reply All, Forward, Redirect icons as the original ones (Outlook Express)
  • Fixed a display problem in toolbars introduced in 0.79
  • All toggle buttons now have a checkbox for better and more intuitive display
  • Removed focus indicator on all checkboxes (IE only) and ugly borders
  • Added Next/Previous message buttons in message.wssp
  • WOW! Ability to choose skin on login screen!!!

Version 0.80b-2

  • Modified the default width of the Compose window
  • Replaced the font of some password fields
  • Removed <i> </i> around tooltips of the main toolbar
  • Fixed the auto-refresh of calendar and other pages when closing compose
  • Fixed a problem with https in compose.wssp

Version 0.80b-1

  • Fixed small display problem in settings
  • Enter now starts a new paragraph in inline html editor

Version 0.80b

  • Implemented exportkey.wssp
  • Implemented all error pages: denied.wssp, error.wssp, failure.wssp, forbidden.wssp, moved.wssp, notfound.wssp, unauthorized.wssp, unknowndomain.wssp
  • Renamed some files
  • Separated some files to easier installation of stateless, domain and main domain files.
  • Added an INSTALL file to the package
  • Added a help button to the top bar. LookOut help will be implemented later, for tnow this button points to the CGPro webmail help
  • Implemented Alerts
  • Fixed a bug when deleting an event in the calendar
  • Fixed a display problem in mailboxes.wssp
  • Fixed a problem with SelectAll in dom_mailbox.js
  • Implemented signup.wssp, recoverypassword.wssp, resume.wssp
  • Fixed Delete & Next unread
  • Added a config file
  • Restored text on SEND button (compose.wssp)
  • Fixed message display navigation

Version 0.79b-2

  • Fixed a think I forgot in 0.79: remove the unused rows...

Version 0.79b-1

  • Restored things that I broked with 0.79b in Netscape and IE.
  • Removed a possibility of stack overflow

Version 0.79b

  • Deep testing with Safari. Fixed all I can fix. Little scale-down for some areas: Safari doesn't support well position:absolute, so some inline tabbed-like controls has to be removed.
  • Retested with other browsers so see if I broke something...

Version 0.78b

  • Fixed AddressBook in compose window and new group creation, it's easier now to use it.
  • Fixed Mailbox Selectors, they take less space, even in case of very deep mailbox tree
  • Fixed skin for Safari(OSX). Some features are disabled for these browsers: no "fixed toolbars", no in-place HTML editor. The fixes are not perfect, but the support is now here.
  • Deleted or moved messages are now closed from the message pane if they were shown in it before deletion.
  • New window now opens with statusbar
  • Done with mailbox enhancements: Nothing gets reloaded or regenerated without need, internal refresh without clearing the page
  • New tricks in compose.wssp, autoupdate when some options are selected, etc.
  • Fixed mailboxsettings.wssp, nicer look
  • Fixed certificate.wssp
  • Added visual feedback on row gutter

Version 0.77b

  • Rewrote javascript code of mailbox.wssp and dependencies to generate page with DOM functions instead of document.write(). Test shows that it's 50% faster in IE, and almost the same in Mozilla. IE is surprisingly about 10 times faster than Mozilla...
  • top.wssp translated to DOM. I'm looking for a different look for it.
  • Another (!) bugfix to tabbed-style... This thing is very complicated!
  • Centralized the [head] part of all pages
  • Finally fixed correctly the autoresize in Mozilla/Netscape
  • The monthly calendar is now floating and hidden in calendar.wssp (There is a new button to show it)

Version 0.76b-1

  • Fixed Password.wssp

Version 0.76b

  • Restored some functions in the typetool Toolbar: "Select all", SuperScript, SubScript, Strikethrough.
  • Items can no longer be moved to mailboxes of different class
  • Small bugfix in settingstop.wssp
  • Implemented List Settings pages
  • Settings Sections are now collapsable
  • Double-checked Compose.wssp to remove inconsistencies and strange behaviors when composing events
  • Fixed a bug introduced in 0.73 with Mozilla/Netscape: When loading for the first time, the inbox didn't show automaticaly.
  • Fixed Tabbed code for Mozilla/Netscape. The tabs contents didn't show at all

Version 0.75b

  • Removed emoticons from the default editor. Emoticons can now be activated by the server admin by putting the emoticons folder somewhere publicly available on a web server, then modifying a few lines at the beginning of htmleditor.js to specify the path where to find the emoticons.

Version 0.74b

  • Integrated TypeTool from vietdev into Compose.wssp. It's a lightweight in-place HTML editor written in javascript and compatible with IE and Mozilla/Netscape. I modified it (a lot) to fit my needs. All files beginning with tt-* and em-* belongs to it.
  • Integrated CGPro 4.1.2 changes. Warning: The page settings.wssp no longer works in 4.1.1
  • Fix to Calendar.wssp to accept translated day names.
  • Little change to the bottom of Mailboxes.wssp, Using the Tabbed emulation for Create New and Filter (restored in this version)
  • Compose.wssp doesn't display the browser's toolbar anymore
  • Releasing this version took more than 25 hours of work (since 0.73)

Version 0.73b

  • Compose.wssp: toolbar now fixed at the top.
  • Login.wssp: Added Cookies and Network Settings options
  • Modified tabbed control emultaion to look more like real tabbed controls.
  • All Settings pages implemented!

Version 0.72b

  • Clipped mailbox field is displayed completely in tooltips when the user keeps the mouse over it.
  • Mailbox' message selection has been modified. Clicking in the columns selects the message, opens it and deselects any existing selection. Clicking in the gutter column toggles the message in the selection, without opening it. Using SHIFT in the gutter selects all message from the last one selected. When the message pane is closed, clicking in the list with CTRL or SHIFT behaves like a normal listbox (like in Outlook)
  • Fixed bug introduced in 0.71: When a message had a quote character in the subject, mailbox didn't render at all.
  • Modified the icons of some buttons (reply, redirect, forward)
  • Fixed a random bug in mailbox.wssp that could corrupt the browser internal data.
  • Added a message for empty mailboxes
  • Mailboxes.wssp: Mailbox now gets created when typing a name and pressing Enter

Version 0.71b

  • Added a column in mailbox.wssp to select messages without opening them
  • Bold new messages are back (broken in 0.70)
  • A few enhancements in mailbox columns width
  • A few rather invisible bugfixes
  • Subjects are no longer truncated to 35 chars. They takes all the available place
  • This looks good...!

Version 0.70b

  • Renamed all images for better file structure
  • Big changes in mailbox.wssp
  • Separated some big files into .wssi for less cryptic file contents and to avoid redundancy
  • Clipped all button images to the exact same size so all buttons now looks aligned. fixed to the nearest pixel the toolbars for the better look
  • Disabled the auto-resize, will probably be removed
  • Added resize buttons (50/50, 10/90, 100/0)
  • Added the posibility to login in a new window without menu/toolbar/addressbar, etc, to maximize usable area.

Version 0.67b

  • Implemented Website.wssp
  • Removed stylei.css, not longer needed
  • Modified top.wssp to remove references to stylei.css
  • Restored RulesFrame.wssp to have the rule page look like others.

Version 0.66b

  • Began Settings.wssp
  • Changed the main toolbar to have all in one row, no more "Settings >>" button
  • Implemented the tabbed mode for Settings
  • Fixed the tabbed code for Mozilla/Netscape
  • Implemented Rule.wssp - Integrated into Rules.wssp
  • Modified Rules.wssp. It now use inline frames to display rule settings (rule.wssp)
  • Modified some nonsense in style.css
  • Fixed a bug in mailboxes.wssp that prevented the navigation to list settings
  • Created the LookOut mailing list... Subscribe now!

Version 0.65b-1

  • Changed the method to show the current opened message
  • Fixed a bug in tasks.wssp introduced in 0.62b
  • Improved mailbox.js

Version 0.65b

  • Now compose.wssp supports up to 12 attachements, and the fields are somewhat dynamically added on use.
  • Some tests and fixes on Mozilla/Netscape

Version 0.64b

  • Added an indication (red highlighting) on the currently selected message
  • Modified the message.wssp's system button color from red to a light shade of blue because John doesn't seems to like red neither...
  • Fixed the rules.wssp page - After 9 rules the table got misaligned
  • Fixed the Send Signed/Send Encrypted buttons. Text was interchanged

Version 0.63b

  • Fixed a bug with calendar and weekends introduced in 0.62b

Version 0.62b

  • Enhanced the Context-Menu code to enable it on selected text, to allw Copy using menu. This should not be a problem anymore.
  • Cleaned the calendar.js code, now more readable
  • Merged all skin changes introduced by Communigate Pro 4.1.1 released today.
  • The contacts mailbox didn't showed in order with other 'important' mailboxes. Fixed.

Version 0.61b

  • Modified the message.wssp's system button color because John doesn't like green. :-)

Version 0.60b

  • Some little modifications on login.wssp
  • Fixed AddressBook, now easier to use
  • Restored Filter on address book
  • Fixed latest small bugs on mailboxes.wssp
  • Cleanup of context-menu management code. Context menus can now be used everywhere it can be needed (links, textboxes, messages images).
  • Modifed state buttons of message.wssp

Version 0.59b

  • Big cleanup in mailboxes.js
  • Modified trash behavior, now a "empty trash" link near the mailbox instead of the Empty Trash ugly button
  • Added support for non-selectable folders. They now can be removed if they don't have sub-mailboxes (I think this skin is the only one that can do it, even stock skin can't!)
  • Added an icon to the trash can
  • Moved all the 'important' mailboxes to the top of the malboxes list. (Inbox, Drafts, Sent, Calendar, Tasks, Notes, Contacts, Trash)
  • Removed duplicate META-REFRESH entries
  • Restored some text on some buttons

Version 0.58b

  • Mailbox header now shows Folder: when not in a mailbox
  • Forgotten notes.wssp (new in 4.1, wasn't in 4.0b9 ???) implemented
  • Re-enabled unread count for calendar, tasks, notes.
  • Fixed a display bug with addressbook
  • Added color to address book drop-down menu to identify system addressbooks

Version 0.57b

  • Enhanced "tabbed" javascript code
  • Implemented rules.wssp
  • With Rules.wssp, established the general layout of settings*.wssp

Version 0.56b

  • New images for some button
  • Removed some obvious button text
  • Added tooltips almost everywhere
  • Began cleaning code
  • Began rules.wssp
  • Other things I don't remember

Version 0.55b

  • A lot of bugfixes:
  • Toggle buttons are now somewhat different from action buttons
  • Buttons on mailboxes.wssp looks like others
  • Modified the behavior of the message pane. Now automatic resizing on mousemove.
  • Added invisible transition between pages to avoid seeing blank pages on frequent reload (IE only)
  • Moved all font names in style.css
  • Moved some strings
  • Finished vgrouppart.wssp

Version 0.54b

  • Implemented contact and contactgroup.wssp
  • Modified style for easier reading of textboxes and drop-down boxes

Version 0.53b

  • Small bugfixes all around
  • In message.wssp, add a copy of the top toolbar at the bottom
  • Moved some strings
  • Add TODO, HISTORY, README and VERSION to download package

Version 0.52b

  • Bug-Fix for Compose.wssp toggle buttons without effects
  • Bug-Fix to enable contextmenu on some A and IMG tags
  • Began moving text to to facilitate translation

Version 0.51b

  • Bug-Fix for Netscape/Mozilla appearance and behavior
  • Bug-Fix for mailbox.wssp duplicate entries

Version 0.5b

  • Implemented all pages except settings
  • Implemented all new features of Communigate Pro 4.1

Version 0.0.5

  • Added treeview
  • First release

Version 0.0.1

  • First beta release