PolluStop will always add a header to all messages it processes, and this header can be used to sort mail in a separate folder. When setup for POP users, PolluStop can also (optionally) tag subject of spam messages with [SPAM]. Desktop e-mail clients should be configured to sort these messages into a separate folder. Some clients are able to process the PolluStop header, some others will have to use the [SPAM] tag.
In Eudora, what we are going to do is called making a Mail Filter, it may be called something else in other programs. Eudora is capable of filtering messages based on a message header.
First, let's make a "MailBox" to store our Spam emails.
Pull the MailBox' Menu to New'...
Give the new MailBox a descriptive name. "Spam" or "Junk Mail" is probably a good choice. Do not make this a "folder".
Next we will create the Mail Filter. Pull the Windows menu to Filters.
Click the "New" button to add a Mail Filter.
In this window
OK, so if we got everything right, all future Spam messages will to be automatically filed in the Junk Mail folder.
While there is no automatic way in Eudora to forward a message as an attachment, there is still a manual way.
Et voilà ! You just forwarded a message as attachment, PolluStop will be able to extract the original header information to train itself properly and to whitelist the sender if it was a good message.